Passeggiata adatta alle famiglie!

Eco-friendly family cycling

STRADEBASSE doesn't just promote the territory and slow tourism, the event also has a charitable purpose, mainly through the STRADEBASSE FAMILY event, a family-friendly "bike ride" whose proceeds will be entirely donated to charity.

This walk will take place on the first of September, starting from the Castle of Padernello, with stops in our Municipality to discover the churches, the square, and other small lesser-known places, and then return to Padernello where, inside the Cascina Aperta, in addition to the food area (set up by the oratory), friends of Traino will entertain the children and their families.

In 2023 Stradebasse donated the proceeds to the "Nadia Valsecchi" foundation, engaged in research against pancreatic cancer.

For this year's edition, we are inclined to support the VAD association, a group of lay volunteers that has been operating, non-profit, for over 20 years in the Brescia area, assisting the sick and their families.

Departure on Sunday 09/01 at 10:00 am
Meeting at 09:30. Registration on site


with love alongside pain

The VAD is an association of trained volunteers, operating without profit since 1987 in Brescia and its province, providing absolutely free assistance to patients both at home and in care facilities, while also offering valuable support to their families.

In support of the specialized medical team, the Vad provides a discreet presence alongside the patient, not of a medical nature but of human value, based on respect for personality, habits, thoughts, and ideas, seeking to provide a reassuring expression of solidarity and help to live as serenely as possible through the hours of illness, often accompanied by psychological suffering and loneliness.

The main objective of the association is to accompany seriously ill patients and their families along a very difficult path, where the physical and psychological problems of the patient (pain, weakness, inability to feed and move, anxiety, and fear) are compounded by the organizational and psychological problems of the family, which increasingly often is unable to cope with the traumatic changes brought about by the worsening chronic illness.
